Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Today marks the start of week 36; meaning in 4 weeks give or take a few days this pregnancy will be over with and we will be parents...

I don't know about Larry but i am freaking out a little. Ever since i can remember i have wanted to be a mom... I have loved little babies and love babysitting, but i always had to give the child back after a few hours. Now i have this little life growing inside of me and ina few short weeks he will be making his entrance into the world. From that day forward he will be my responsibility; no handing him back when i have had enough, no getting paid for watching him, and putting him back in my belly where all i had to do was watch him kick and squirm. No putting hime back where he was safe from everything in life we face. Once he is here nothing will be the same, especially sleep. I thought i was not sleeping well now.... but i am sure it will be worse those first few weeks. I am a person that requiers sleep, preferably 8-10 hours sometimes more. I usually have a meltdown after a couple nights of not sleeping... poor Larry. There is so much to think about now I can't wrap my head around it all. I hope that I can at least be as great a mother as mine is, be an example of how to live a faithful life, and that i will have a good relationship with the little boy. I hope that he will have his dad's sweet nature and not my tempermental one. I hope that he takes lessons from his father and grows up to be a fentleman and opens doors for the ladies... but mose of all I hope that he will embrace the faith he will be raised in and obey the will of his heavenly Father.