Sunday, February 3, 2013

Two months

Our sweet little lady is two months old already!!! Her two month check up fell at exactly 9 weeks. 
SO at nine weeks she is exactly 11lbs and 22.5 inches long!!! Her eyes are most defiantly blue and her hair  gets lighter every week and when the sun hits it is a very pretty strawberry blond heavy on the strawberry!!
She started "talking" and giving smiles at about 5-6 weeks old and smiles and "talks" more and more each day! She rolled from belly to back once but she was on a soft surface and I was sitting next to her so she was on a bit on an incline... needless to say it has not happened again so I cant officially say she is rolling but with in the last couple days she has started to roll a bit to the side when on her back:) She doesnt get much floor time since big brother is a bulldozer/ race car and I am afraid of him falling on her or tripping and hurting her.  She is a very mellow and sweet baby and a bit of a momma's girl!  I am SO lucky!! She eats almost every two hours during the day and sleeps from around 10:30pm to between 5 and 6:30 am pretty regularly and two or three times she has slept right through till just after 8am!!! 
                                                           Looking so pretty at 8 weeks 2 days
  She loves to stick out her tongue!! Who knew a tongue could be so cute!!!
LOVING our new bumbo!!!